Soya Bean / சோயா பீன்ஸ் – 1Kg


200.00 210.00

  • Appearance: Small, oval-shaped beans; green when fresh, yellow when mature.
  • Flavor Profile: Mild, nutty flavor with a creamy texture when cooked.
  • Nutritional Value: Rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins (especially Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, and folate), minerals (such as iron, calcium, and magnesium), and phytochemicals (including isoflavones).
  • Health Benefits: Improves heart health, reduces cholesterol levels, aids in weight management, supports bone health, and may reduce the risk of certain cancers and menopausal symptoms.
  • Environmental Impact: Significant crop worldwide, used in sustainable agriculture practices to improve soil fertility and reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers.
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    Fresh soybeans in kaaikani form present the beans meticulously shelled and arranged neatly in a dish or container. Each bean showcases a vibrant green color, inviting the senses with its smooth appearance.In this form, the texture of soybeans remains tender yet slightly firm, offering a satisfying bite. The beans are plump and succulent, ensuring a delightful culinary experience.


    Soybeans are small, oval-shaped beans typically green when fresh and yellow when mature. They are commonly consumed in their dried form.

    Nutritional Value

    Soybeans are highly nutritious, rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins (especially Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, and folate), minerals (such as iron, calcium, and magnesium), and phytochemicals (including isoflavones).

    Health Benefits

    Consuming soybeans may offer several health benefits, including improving heart health, reducing cholesterol levels, aiding in weight management, and supporting bone health. The isoflavones found in soybeans have been associated with reduced risk of certain cancers and menopausal symptoms.


    Some individuals may have allergies to soybeans, which can cause mild to severe allergic reactions. It's important to be cautious when consuming soy products if you have a soy allergy.

    Botanical Name

    Soybeans, scientifically known as Glycine max, are a species of legume native to East Asia.